About Program | Required Course | Elective Course | Program Curriculum | Courses Description | Application Form
About Program
Students who have a Bachelor degree from a recognized university in one of the following fields can apply to the Master of Informatics program which provides students with unique hands-on training and research opportunities.
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Computer Engineering
- Computer System Engineering
- Management Information Systems
- Electrical and Communications Engineering
- Or any equivalent certificate
Areas of concentration (tracks):
Students can select to work in one the following areas of concentration. They can take courses and conduct their master thesis in the following areas:
- Networks and Information Security
- Software Systems Engineering
- Intelligent Systems
Other related concentration areas may be offered in the future and will follow the same structure and requirements of the mentioned areas of concentration.
Degree Titles/Certificate
The degree title is "Master of Science in Informatics". It is a well-defined title and used overall the world to embrace all the different computer-related subjects. The student will be awarded an "MSc in Informatics" certificate upon completing the program requirements.
The program has two options and the students can enroll in only one of them, as follows, program duration is approximately 2 years:
- A thesis oriented option: Includes 30 credit hours (15 credit hours core courses + 15 credit hours elective courses) and a thesis (6 credit hours).
- A comprehensive exam oriented option: Includes 36 credit hours (15 credit hours core courses + 18 credit hours elective courses + 3 credit hours Graduate Research Seminar 2) and a comprehensive exam in selected core courses in the area of concentration (0 credits).
Graduation Requirements
Students must successfully complete the 36 credit hours. Students who decide for the thesis-based stream must successfully submit a research oriented thesis. Students who decide for the comprehensive exam-based option must pass a comprehensive exam.
Scope of the MS Master Thesis
- The master thesis is equivalent to 6 credit hours.
- Master thesis topic should be agreed upon by a committee selected from the staff.
- The student should prepare a proposal for the subject matter of his/her research thesis under the supervision of an advisor.
- The advisors and the committee monitor the progress of the student in his research before the student is allowed to defend his thesis.
Qualifications for Admission (APPLY NOW)
Maximum of 20 students will be accepted each year on a competitive basis. Qualified student should:
a) Have a Bachelor degree from a recognized university in one of the following fields:
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Informatics
- Computer Engineering
- Computer System Engineering
- Management Information Systems
- Electrical and Communications Engineering
- Or any equivalent certificate
b) Have GPA average of (70 on 100 scale) or better (good).
c) Have studied undergraduate courses in the following (different requirements for each concentration area will be required)
- Mathematics
- Data structure and Algorithms.
- Operating Systems.
- Software Engineering.
- Database systems.
- Computer Organization/Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Networking.
Students who have not studied any of these topics may be requested to take remedial courses.
d) Should pass the English Proficiency exam or obtain a TOEFL score of 500 or its equivalent.
Note : Students who lack any of the prerequisites may be provisionally admitted pending completion of the prerequisites.
Required Course
The program curriculum includes a set of concentration areas where each student can start in this area from the beginning. The concentrations areas are:
Areas of concentration (tracks)
- Networks and Information Security
- Software Systems Engineering
- Intelligent Systems
Students in each area of concentration should finish 36 CRH of study distributed as follows:
Common Courses (for all concentration areas) | 15 C.H. |
Master Thesis | 6 C.H. for thesis |
Elective courses / In Specialty ( for each area of concentration) | 6 C.H. |
Elective Courses (possible from all other areas of concentration) Thesis based (9 C.H.) Comprehensive exam-based (15 C.H.) |
9 or 15 C.H. |
The required courses are related to enhancing research methodologies and promoting research skills for all students in addition to three courses related to all areas of concentration and can be taken in 2-3 different semesters.
Track / Area of concentration | Software Engineering | Machine Intelligence | Networks and Information Security |
Common Courses (15 C.H) |
Master Thesis (6 C.H.) Or Comprehensive exam (0 C.H) + (6 C.H. courses) |
All students should actively participate in academic and research activities conducted in the program and other related programs. Accordingly all students will be required to register a 0 credits "Research and Academic Activities" core course and should have an (IP grade) for each semester. The last semester will show a (Pass grade) in this course.
Elective Courses / In Specialty (for each area of concentration)
Students should also finish at least 6 C.H. in their area of concentration. The following is a list of possible courses for each area of concentration.
Software System Engineering |
Intelligent systems |
Networks and Information Security |
Elective Course
Each student should select 3 courses (9 C.H.) from a list of elective courses that can be offered during the program period. Comprehensive exam-based students should select 5 elective courses (15 C.H.)
Program Curriculum – Courses Information
متطلبات التخصص الاجبارية عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 15 ساعة Program's Core Courses (15 C.H.) |
Course Name |
C.H. |
مسمى المساق |
رقم المساق |
Research Methods and Skills |
3 |
مهارات واساليب البحث العلمي |
6926 |
Graduate Research Seminar 1 |
3 |
حلقة بحث 1 |
6996 |
Software Engineering |
3 |
هندسة البرمجيات |
6903 |
Computer Networks |
3 |
شبكات الحاسوب |
6912 |
Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
الذكاء الإصطناعي |
6905 |
Research and Academic Activities |
0 |
نشاطات بحثية واكاديمية |
6995 |
متطلبات التخصص الاختيارية للمسارات والبرنامج عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 15 ساعة Program's Elective Courses (15 C.H.) |
Course Name |
C.H. |
مسمى المساق |
رقم المساق |
Numerical Simulation |
3 |
المحاكاة الرقمية |
6901 |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
3 |
تصميم وتحليل الخوارزميات |
6902 |
Computer Architecture |
3 |
عمارة الحاسوب |
6904 |
Advanced Database Systems |
3 |
أنظمة قواعد البيانات المتقدمة |
6907 |
Software Engineering for Web Applications |
3 |
هندسة البرمجيات لتطبيقات الويب |
6908 |
Object-Oriented Databases |
3 |
قواعد البيانات الكائنية |
6909 |
Parallel Computing |
3 |
الحوسبة المتوازية |
6911 |
Operating System Engineering |
3 |
هندسة أنظمة التشغيل |
6913 |
Digital Image Processing |
3 |
معالجة الصور الرقمية |
6914 |
Computer Graphics |
3 |
الرسم الحاسوبي |
6916 |
Machine Learning |
3 |
تعلم الآلة |
6917 |
Distributed Systems |
3 |
الأنظمة الموزعة |
6918 |
Mobile autonomous systems |
3 |
الانظمة المستقلة المتنقلة |
6919 |
Bioinformatics and Proteomics |
3 |
أنظمة المعلومات الحيوية |
6920 |
Security in Computer Networks |
3 |
أمن الشبكات الحاسوبية |
6921 |
Special Topics |
3 |
مواضيع خاصة |
6922 |
Compiler Design |
3 |
بناء المترجمات |
6924 |
Wireless Networks |
3 |
شبكات لاسكية |
6925 |
Design and Analysis of Computer Networks. |
3 |
تصميم وتحليل شبكات الحاسوب |
6927 |
Information Theory |
3 |
نظرية المعلومات |
6928 |
Software Quality Assurance and Measurement |
3 |
قياس وضمان الجودة للبرمجيات |
6929 |
Data Mining and Information Retrieval |
3 |
استخراج واسترجاع المعلومات |
6930 |
Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services |
3 |
معمارية خدمات الويب |
6931 |
Biologically Inspired Intelligent Systems |
3 |
الانظمة الذكية المستوحاه بيولوجيأ |
6932 |
Multi-Agent Systems |
3 |
انظمة الوكلاء المتعددة |
6933 |
Special Topics in Informatics |
مواضيع خاصة في المعلوماتية |
6934 |
Cryptography |
3 |
التشفير |
6935 |
Risk Assessment and Privacy Management |
3 |
تفييم المخاطر وادارة الخصوصية |
6936 |
Security in Wireless Networks |
3 |
امن الشبكات اللاسلكية |
6937 |
Cloud Computing |
3 |
الحوسبة السحابية |
6938 |
Mobile Computing |
3 |
الحوسبة المتنقلة |
6939 |
Distributed Databases |
3 |
قواعد البيانات الموزعة |
6940 |
متطلبات الرسالة والامتحان الشامل عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 6 ساعة Thesis-based and Comprehensive Exam-based Streams (6 C.H.) |
Master Thesis |
6 |
الرسالة |
6999 |
Comprehensive Exam (INF 524 required) |
0 |
امتحان الشامل |
6998 |
Graduate Research Seminar 2 |
3 |
حلقة بحث 2 |
6997 |
Elective course |
3 |
مساق اختياري |
---- |
متطلبات الدراسات العليا عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 3 ساعة Graduate Studies Requirements (3 C.H.) |
English for graduate students |
3 |
لغة انجليزية للدراسات العليا (استدراكي) |
4351 |
Courses Description
متطلبات التخصص الاجبارية عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 15 ساعة Program's Core Courses (15 C.H.) |
Course Name |
C.H. |
مسمى المساق |
رقم المساق |
Research Methods and Skills |
3 |
مهارات واساليب البحث العلمي |
6926 |
The course aims at providing the students with basic research and working skills. It facilitates a smoother transition to graduate studies and research. The course addresses three fundamental skills: reading and understanding a scientific work, formal and scientific writing and presenting the work in a scientific manner. Different evaluation sessions are given including paper presentations and paper critique. The course also discusses some ethical issues related to the scientific research including citations, plagiarism, acknowledgments of the researchers. As well as the research requirements at the university. |
Graduate Research Seminar 1 |
3 |
حلقة بحث 1 |
6996 |
Presentation and analysis of literature in a selected area of research in informatics. Students are asked to give presentations, attend presentations of other students or faculty, and actively participate in the discussion of related research topics. Students are also expected to write critique of selected papers. |
Software Engineering |
3 |
هندسة البرمجيات |
6903 |
This course concerned with the application of theory, knowledge, and practice to effectively and efficiently build reliable software systems that satisfy the requirements of customers and users. Topics may differ in each offering, but include: Software Processes, Software Project Management, Tools and Environments, Requirements Engineering, Agile Development, Software Design, SOA and BPM, Software Construction, Software Verification and Validation, Software Evolution, Formal Methods, Software Reliability, Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering. Students are expected to work on final term project, or critical paper review. |
Computer Networks |
3 |
شبكات الحاسوب |
6912 |
The goal of the course is to cover advanced concepts and topics in computer networks. Topics include: architectures, protocols, and standards for LANs and WANs, routing, TCP/IP, Switched Networks, Congestion control, Quality-of-Service, and high-speed LANs, Reading and assessing research papers in computer networks. |
Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
الذكاء الإصطناعي |
6905 |
This course introduces representations, techniques, and architectures used to build applied systems and to account for intelligence from a computational point of view. This course also explores applications of rule chaining, heuristic search, logic, constraint propagation, constrained search, and other problem-solving paradigms. In addition, it covers applications of decision trees, neural nets, SVMs and other learning paradigms. |
Research and Academic Activities |
0 |
نشاطات بحثية واكاديمية |
6995 |
The main aim of this course is to increase the level of involvement of master students in different organized academic and research activities. Student responsibility is to attend a number of academic and research activities during each semester, either inside or outside the university. Activity attendance must be document and reported. |
متطلبات التخصص الاختيارية للمسارات والبرنامج عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 15 ساعة Program's Elective Courses (15 C.H.) |
Course Name |
C.H. |
مسمى المساق |
رقم المساق |
Numerical Simulation |
3 |
المحاكاة الرقمية |
6901 |
An introduction to computational techniques for the simulation of a large variety of engineering and physical systems. Topics include: mathematical formulations; network problems; sparse direct and iterative matrix solution techniques; Newton methods for nonlinear problems; discretization methods for ordinary, time-periodic and partial differential equations, fast methods for partial differential and integral equations, techniques for dynamical system model reduction and approaches for molecular dynamics. |
Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
3 |
تصميم وتحليل الخوارزميات |
6902 |
Explore techniques in design and analysis such as recursion, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, graph theory, advanced sorting and searching algorithm, advanced topics such as: NP-Completeness, randomized algorithms, approximation algorithms and lower bounds. |
Computer Architecture |
3 |
عمارة الحاسوب |
6904 |
A study of the evolution of computer architecture and the factors influencing the design of hardware and software elements of computer systems. Topics include: instruction set design; processor micro-architecture and pipelining; cache and virtual memory organizations; protection and sharing; in-order and out-of-order superscalar architectures; VLIW machines; vector supercomputers; multithreaded architectures; symmetric multiprocessors; and parallel computers. |
Advanced Database Systems |
3 |
أنظمة قواعد البيانات المتقدمة |
6907 |
This course provides an overview of relational data model and relational database management systems followed by comprehensive coverage of some of the advanced topics related to data and database administration, CASE tools, post-relational database systems and recent developments in the Query optimization, Information retrieval, On-line Analytic Processing (OLAP), XML databases, World Wide Web (WWW). The goal is to expose students to the current active areas in databases of interest to both academia and industry by reading book chapters as well as papers from the recent literature and discussing them in class. Students will be presented with opportunities to do hands-on work with appropriate commercial tools. |
Software Engineering for Web Applications |
3 |
هندسة البرمجيات لتطبيقات الويب |
6908 |
Topics include basics of web development environment and designing a dynamic web site with the goal of building a site as the main (group) project. Topics also include Web usability and interface best practices, page and site issues, distributed computing with Web Services and SOAP, human-computer interface and the graphical display of information, web-based presentation. |
Object-Oriented Databases |
3 |
قواعد البيانات الكائنية |
6909 |
Provides the first unified and coherent presentation of the essential concepts and techniques of object-oriented databases. It combines the results of research and development in the semantics and implementation of a full spectrum of database facilities for object-oriented systems, including data model, query, authorization, schema evolution, storage structures, query optimization, transaction management, versions, composite objects, and integration of a programming language and a database system. |
Parallel Computing |
3 |
الحوسبة المتوازية |
6911 |
The goal of the course is to introduce students to parallel computing, including both theory and hands-on experience. The topics to be covered include: overview of parallel computing, languages and programming environments; message-passing computing; partitioning and divide-and-conquer strategies; Pipelined computations; Synchronous computations; Load balancing and termination detection; programming with shared memory; algorithms and applications |
Operating System Engineering |
3 |
هندسة أنظمة التشغيل |
6913 |
Teaches the fundamentals of engineering operating systems. The following topics are studied in detail: virtual memory, kernel and user mode, system calls, threads, context switches, interrupts, intercrosses communication, coordination of concurrent activities, and the interface between software and hardware. Most importantly, the interactions between these concepts are examined. |
Digital Image Processing |
3 |
معالجة الصور الرقمية |
6914 |
This course emphasizes general principles of image processing. Topics include image acquisition and display, properties of the human visual system, color representations, sampling and quantization, point operations, linear image filtering, transforms and sub-band decompositions, and nonlinear filtering, contrast and color enhancement, dithering, and image restoration, image registration, and feature extraction and recognition tasks. |
Computer Graphics |
3 |
الرسم الحاسوبي |
6916 |
This course covers major aspects of digital image generation: geometric modeling, computer animation, and rendering. The goal of the course is to provide a strong foundation for computer graphics principles, and provide a hands-on introduction to recent advanced topics, e.g., subdivision surfaces, real-time global illumination, and physically based animation. |
Machine Learning |
3 |
تعلم الآلة |
6917 |
The course presents the elements of kernel-based methods from a machine learning perspective. It introduces the theoretical basis for studying these methods (theory of positive definite kernels, associated reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and techniques to construct kernel functions) and present selected topics in this area. This includes learning algorithms such as regularization networks, support vector machines, kernel principal component analysis, kernel canonical correlation analysis, anomaly detection, as well as a discussion of the value of these algorithms for applications. |
Distributed Systems |
3 |
الأنظمة الموزعة |
6918 |
The course examines major concepts involved in making distributed systems and applications using a collection of independent communicating systems. Topics include: overview of distributed system, communication, messaging systems and protocols, processes, naming, synchronization, replication and consistency, fault tolerance, distributed file systems, and security issues in distributed computing systems. Research topics in DS will be discussed. |
Mobile autonomous systems |
3 |
الانظمة المستقلة المتنقلة |
6919 |
The course is considered as review to the recent trends in the field of mobile robots as intelligent systems, topics include up to date solutions to the fundamental robot problems: localization; planning; perception; robot motion and navigation, dealing with robot sensors and their fusion, reviewing their advantages and limitations and solving problems from probabilistic perspective and from evolutionary perspective. |
Bioinformatics and Proteomics |
3 |
أنظمة المعلومات الحيوية |
6920 |
This interdisciplinary course provides a hands-on approach to students in the topics of bioinformatics and proteomics. Topics include sequence analysis, microarray expression analysis, Bayesian methods, control theory, scale-free networks, and biotechnology applications. Designed for those with a computational and/or engineering background, it includes current real-world examples, actual implementations, and engineering design issues. Where applicable, engineering issues from signal processing, network theory, machine learning, robotics and other domains will be expounded upon. |
Security in Computer Networks |
3 |
أمن الشبكات الحاسوبية |
6921 |
The course examines major concepts of information systems security, topics includes: definitions, core concepts of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA), together with different Authentication, Authorization (Access Control), and Auditing (AAA) tools and techniques. Basic cryptography algorithms and standards will be also covered. An overview of attacks, hacking, viruses, worms & Trojans, DOS-attacks, together with IPS, IDS, Firewalls protections systems will be covered as well. Recent research topics and advances in information security will be considered as well. |
Special Topics |
3 |
مواضيع خاصة |
6922 |
Selected related topics from recent advances in computer science, computer engineering and information technology. Course content will varies from year to year according to instructor and students advancements. |
Compiler Design |
3 |
بناء المترجمات |
6924 |
This course covers basic to intermediate knowledge on the design, implementation of compilers. The main topics include lexical analysis, syntax analysis, type checking, run-time environments, and code generation. The course includes a term project to implement a compiler for a selected programming language. |
Wireless Networks |
3 |
شبكات لاسكية |
6925 |
This course includes general introduction to computer networks, types of networks, network devices, networks protocols, and ISO/OSI, TCP/IP and IEEE standards. Sampling, data representation and modulation techniques are discussed. The course also covers the following topics: wireless transmission fundamentals, cellular networks, wireless LANs, mobile IP, wireless Internet, mobile ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, Bluetooth and wireless PANs. |
Design and Analysis of Computer Networks. |
3 |
تصميم وتحليل شبكات الحاسوب |
6927 |
The course addresses the qualitative and quantitative analysis of networks. Topics include: analytical and experimental analysis techniques, protocol delay, end-to-end response time, Internet traffic models, extensive reading and in class discussion of the research papers in related subjects is required, simulation and analysis of networking protocols. |
Information Theory |
3 |
نظرية المعلومات |
6928 |
The course covers topics in information theory and coding. Topics include: review of probability theory, entropy, source and channel coding, capacity of communication channels, error detection and correction codes, data compression, Block and convolution codes, project and term paper. |
Software Quality Assurance and Measurement |
3 |
قياس وضمان الجودة للبرمجيات |
6929 |
This course covers topics in software quality assurance and measurement; topics include: concepts of software quality, quality models, quality management and assurance, standards, complexity software metrics, measurement theory and methodologies, software product characteristics. |
Data Mining and Information Retrieval |
3 |
استخراج واسترجاع المعلومات |
6930 |
The course aims at the presentation of basic concepts of Information Retrieval and Data Mining and their application to the storage and search of different types of information. It includes Information Retrieval models, Automatic indexing and information storage, Relevance feedback and query expansion, Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval, Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Data Mining techniques, Categorization, Classification, Association rules, and Web Mining. Applications using PHP-MySQL, Weka. |
Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services |
3 |
معمارية خدمات الويب |
6931 |
In this course, concepts, architectures, and applications in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) are examined. Topics include: principles of service-oriented analysis and design, web services concepts, web service standards, web services technologies, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) functionality and web service orchestration using the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). |
Biologically Inspired Intelligent Systems |
3 |
الانظمة الذكية المستوحاه بيولوجيأ |
6932 |
This course examines a range of problems where traditional computation finds it difficult or impossible to handle and where the biologically-inspired computation is the answer. Topics include: classical vs. biologically-inspired computation, evolutionary algorithms (genetic programming, genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, evolution strategies...etc). Swarm intelligence (ant colony methods, particle swarm optimization), neural computation (perceptrons, multilayer perceptrons, associate networks, self-organizing networks... etc.). Artificial life and artificial immune systems |
Multi-Agent Systems |
3 |
انظمة الوكلاء المتعددة |
6933 |
The course covers topics in multi-agent systems. Topics include: general introduction to the concept of agent and multi-agent system, abstract agent architecture, distributed problem solving, agent communication and agent communication languages - including KQML and FIPA ACL, inter-agent communication policies and protocols, dialogues, various notions of conformance (of policies to protocols, of dialogues to policies and protocols), resource allocation, negotiation, Agents and argumentation and various agent- based applications could be introduced too. |
Special Topics in Informatics |
مواضيع خاصة في المعلوماتية |
6934 |
Specialized lectures and projects on different issues in informatics are given by different lecturers or staff members nominated by the program committee. |
Cryptography |
3 |
التشفير |
6935 |
This course includes basic theory of cryptographic and cryptography techniques used in computer security. Detailed study and recent advances in cryptographic topics, algorithms and primitives, Encryption (single and double key), Pseudo-random bit generation, authentication, key management, PKI, zero-knowledge protocols are presented. |
Risk Assessment and Privacy Management |
3 |
تقييم المخاطر وادارة الخصوصية |
6936 |
The course provides a clear and concise overview of Information Security Risk Assessment and Privacy Management covering the key aspects of corporate information assets and managing security risks. It discusses Risk Management, Risk Assessment Process, Quantitative versus Qualitative Risk Assessment, Privacy philosophy, Technology-based solutions for privacy protection, Legal foundations of privacy protection, and Privacy legislation. |
Security in Wireless Networks |
3 |
امن الشبكات اللاسلكية |
6937 |
The course illustrates the key concepts of security, wireless networks, and security over wireless networks. It presents some network threats, vulnerabilities and security protocols as countermeasures, common security standards for WLAN like 802.11 WEP, 802.11 WPA and WPA2 (802.11i). Moreover, it explains the concept of WMAN and its security specifications, example of the current proposals in wireless security. Recent research topics and advances in wireless networks security will be considered as well. |
Cloud Computing |
3 |
الحوسبة السحابية |
6938 |
The course covers several topics in cloud computing, including: |
Mobile Computing |
3 |
الحوسبة المتنقلة |
6939 |
This course presents different aspects of mobile computing. It shows how mobile devices can work with fixed network computers in building files, database and web client-server systems for achieving the goal of computing in wireless mobile environment anytime and anywhere. Topics include fundamental concepts of mobile computing, various applications and technologies, common paradigms in mobile computing such as low power computing, computing in an environment with limited resources, fault tolerance, persistence, security issues, and current research in mobile computing. |
Distributed Databases |
3 |
قواعد البيانات الموزعة |
6940 |
This course presents different aspects of Distributed Database Management Systems, focusing on techniques, trends and open problems in the area of DS. The course includes the topics: Distributed data storage , Distributed query processing, Distributed transaction model, Concurrency control, Homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions, Client-server distributed databases (cross-reference SF/Computational Paradigms), Middleware Architectures, Mobile Databases, Data Dissemination and Broadcasting. |
متطلبات الرسالة والامتحان الشامل عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 6 ساعة Thesis-based and Comprehensive Exam-based Streams (6 C.H.) |
Master Thesis |
6 |
الرسالة |
6999 |
A thesis oriented option: Includes 30 credit hours (15 credit hours core courses + 15 credit hours elective courses) and a thesis (6 credit hours). Master thesis topic should be agreed upon by a committee selected from the staff. The student should prepare a proposal for the subject matter of his/her research thesis under the supervision of an advisor. The advisors and the committee monitor the progress of the student in his research before the student is allowed to defend his thesis. |
Comprehensive Exam |
0 |
امتحان الشامل |
6998 |
A comprehensive exam oriented option: Includes 36 credit hours (15 credit hours core courses + 18 credit hours elective courses + 3 credit hours Graduate Research Seminar 2) and a comprehensive exam in selected core courses in the area of concentration (0 credits). |
Graduate Research Seminar 2 |
3 |
حلقة بحث 2 |
6997 |
Students will select a research topic under the supervision of an advisor; Students should be able to practice: reading in the Informatics literature, writing of a review article, research proposal writing and presentation, conducting research, poster presentation. This course should help students in selecting their master thesis topic for thesis oriented option. |
Elective course |
3 |
مساق اختياري |
---- |
متطلبات الدراسات العليا عدد الساعات المطلوبة: 3 ساعة Graduate Studies Requirements (3 C.H.) |
English for graduate students |
3 |
لغة انجليزية للدراسات العليا (استدراكي) |
4351 |
This course is intended to help MA/ M.Sc. students improve their English language proficiency in general. However, it emphasizes two crucial skills necessary for graduate students, namely speaking and writing. A very important component of the speaking part includes different forms of communicative activities such as presentations, debates, group discussions. The writing component comprises issues necessary for those students during their study at the university as well as in their professional lives such as paragraph writing, planning and organizing documents, and documentation. |